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Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog

How Do I Know If Solar Panels Will Work On My Home? A Question From Maple Valley

When undertaking any home improvement project, there will be challenges making sure the new features fit well with the existing construction. Solar panels are no exception. You may want to install solar panels on your Maple Valley home, but will the two work together?

There are ideal conditions under which solar panels can be used, and striving to create these conditions will often present some challenges. Fortunately, in most circumstances, there are some easy adjustments you can make to ensure your new solar panels work as well as or better than advertised.

The Big Three

There are three major factors which play in to solar panel performance more than anything else. First is orientation, or where the house has exposure to the sun. Ideally, solar panels should be mounted facing south to maximize efficiency. They can also work when facing some easterly or westerly directions, albeit with some performance loss.

For maximum exposure to the sun, solar panels should be mounted at an angle that matches the latitude at which your home sits. You also want to avoid any obstructions. The path from the sun to the solar panels should be as clear as possible, with minimal shading or obstructions to interfere with the panels collecting light.

While these represent ideal conditions, it is rare that a home will meet all of them as it sits. Fortunately, there are solutions to such problems, with the most comprehensive one being a ground mount. With a ground mount, a small structure is specially built and secured it to the ground, with the solar panels mounted on it. This is an especially good fix if you have problems with your orientation and roof angle. If the problem is shading or obstructions, that can be fixed simply be cutting down or trimming trees in the way.

Other Challenges

Independent of these major variables, other issues can come into play when determining if solar panels will be a good fit for your home. You have to worry about geography and weather, your energy needs, and the insurance costs of adding solar power to your home.

While these challenges exist, as you can see there are generally ways around each of them. Consult with a contractor or other expert, who can help you decide if solar panels are a good fit for your home.

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