Check the Radiators
Excessive air can sometimes get trapped in your radiators, preventing them from efficiently heating your home. If this happens, you’ll need to bleed the radiators. We’re happy to assist if this is not something you know how to do. Problems of this type are typically signaled by a bubbling noise coming from the system.
Insulate Pipes
To make it less likely that your pipes freeze and burst open, it’s advised that you have your pipes insulated with a foam covering. The condensate pipe on your boiler also needs to be protected from the cold, as your boiler can struggle to operate if this pipe or any other freezes.
Monitor the Pressure
This is one of the most important things you can do if you use a boiler to heat your home. When the pressure drops, it can cause your boiler to stop working. A drop in pressure is usually caused by a leak within the system. On the other hand, if the pressure is too high, you might have a waterlogged expansion tank that needs to be drained. Either way, this is a problem that should only be managed by a professional.
Keep Up on Repairs
During your maintenance appointment—yes we’re mentioning maintenance again, it is just that important—our technicians will fully inspect your system. We’ll check for any components that may need repair or replacement at this time.
If you do need repairs, we advise that you tackle them right away. Neglecting repair needs can cause your boiler system to wear down much faster than it would have otherwise, and could even create safety hazards.
Some common boiler repair needs include a broken or faulty circulator pump, a backed -p expansion tank, sediment build-up in the tank that requires the system to be flushed, and leaky pipes. Boilers are pretty sturdy when compared to other heating systems, but they are not immune to problems—problems which should be addressed as soon as they arise!