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AC Trouble: The Repair vs. Replace Debate

ac-trouble-repair-vs-replacementFor our corner of the world, summer temperatures aren’t quite as detrimental as you’d find in other parts of the country. Still though, being stuck without a cooling system on one of the hottest days of the years is never pleasant, no matter where you live. Hopefully, you had your air conditioner professionally maintained before summer hit, to fend off any problems. But what if you haven’t yet, or your air conditioner is showing troubling symptoms despite professional maintenance?

One thing is for sure: it’s time to call for professional Seattle, WA air conditioning services. But should you pay for repairs—or replace the system altogether? If you’re like most homeowners, an air conditioning system is a major investment. And you’ll want to make sure you get the best return on that investment, especially if your existing system isn’t extremely old. Keep reading to learn about a few things you should consider when you find yourself in the middle of the “repair vs. replacement” debate.

Don’t Run Your Air Conditioner into the Ground

Whether unintentional or not, too many homeowners run their air conditioning systems until they break down entirely, before investing in a new system. But what you should know is that an ailing AC system is most likely to breakdown when it’s working the hardest—in the middle of summer. We recommend taking a more proactive approach. When questioning your cooling system’s future, consider the following:

  • The Air Conditioner’s Age: This is probably the most important factor to keep in mind. All air conditioning systems, just like any other mechanical system, have limited lifespans. Be sure to check out the manual that came with your system to determine what its estimated lifecycle is. A good rule of thumb is that a professionally installed and well-maintained air conditioner will last approximately 10–15 years. Anything beyond that, and you are most likely much better off replacing the system.
  • Energy Efficiency: As an air conditioner ages, it will begin to perform less efficiently. If you notice your energy bills are higher than they were the year before despite comparable use, then this can certainly be the case. If the efficiency issues present themselves in a newer system, there might be something else going on: damaged ductwork, a failing component, or a thermostat issue. However, if this problem is paired with old age, then you’re going to be better off upgrading to a newer air conditioner.
  • Your Overall Satisfaction: When it comes down to it, the most important factor about an air conditioning system is how well it’s helping you stay comfortable in your home. If you aren’t satisfied with the performance of your home cooling system, and there are no signs of disrepair, then this is a valid reason to consider purchasing a new system. Perhaps a ductless system would serve your home better than an existing central AC, or maybe you can add a zone control system for better control and improved comfort. We’re happy to discuss your options with you!

Contact Sound Heating today! We take your comfort as serious as you do.

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