While it can certainly be fun to go shopping for home improvements, selecting a large product such as a whole-house air conditioning system can feel a bit daunting. With so many makes and models to choose from, and with the amount of information found online, it can be tough to sift through the hype and figure out what AC would work best for your home. SEER rating is important, but it’s not everything. Let’s have a look at a few of the most important factors.
Choose a Quality Contractor
Don’t put the cart before the horse. A new whole-house air conditioner will not function unless it is appropriately selected, carefully integrated and also taken care of after installation. You need to make certain that you get in touch with a quality contractor at the first thought of purchasing a new air conditioner. A pro technician will ensure that you make a knowledgeable decision and that you enjoy refreshing cool air for many years to come.
Choose a Quality Air Conditioner
A quality AC contractor should not be installing less-than-quality equipment so the two often go hand-in-hand. But obviously the power and efficiency of your system matter quite a bit. You’ll need a system manufactured to last by a leading name in the industry, and your system will need to match the size of your house so that you can…
Find a Balance between Energy Efficiency and Your Budget
Even a casual glance at a list of air conditioners will show that there is a direct correlation between energy efficiency and cost. It’s not without good reason that high-efficiency systems cost a bit more: they require additional parts and mechanisms, and they are often built to a higher standard of quality as a result. But unless you have an unlimited budget, you’ll also need to be practical.