Bad Odors
Have you detected any unpleasant or at least unfamiliar smells coming from your boiler system? These smells can be indicative of a gas leak, which should be managed as soon as possible once you notice it. Even if it’s not a gas leak, foul odors can be the result of a problem with the ventilation system in your home.
Boiler leaks are never something you should ignore. Not only can these cause significant property damage in your home, they can be the sign that something has gone wrong inside your system—and that something could be impacting efficiency, too. The only place on your boiler that you should ever see water dripping from is from the pressure relief valve. Anywhere else and it’s time to give us a call.
Temperature Troubles
If the water coming from the boiler system is usually colder and hotter than the temperature it is supposed to be, then you might have a problem on your hands. What’s probably happening is that the water isn’t circulating as it should be, and this means that your boiler can’t heat your home consistently.
Higher Than Average Utility Bills
Utility bills tend to rise in the winter as well as the summer, as we use our HVAC systems more. But if you notice that your energy bills are a lot higher than they usually are this time of year, then it’s a sign that your boiler system is possibly working inefficiently. There are a lot of potential causes for this, and the only way to pinpoint the cause and get it fixed is to call in the pros!