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Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog

Is Your Furnace Ready for the Holidays?

The holiday season is upon us. That means there is increasing pressure for your heater to keep your home comfortable as you host family gatherings and other events. If your furnace is up and age or has been experiencing any problems, it may be time to schedule repairs or make an appointment for a heater replacement ahead of the winter season.

And when you need furnace repair or furnace replacement in Puyallup, WA, our team is here to help. You can also keep reading to learn more about the signs that your heater may need some TLC, and the sooner the better. Scheduling an appointment with our team is a great way to have peace of mind through the holiday season that your heater is ready to keep your home warm and comfortable.

Furnace Age

When you consider whether or not your furnace is ready for the coming winter season, the first thing you want to consider is the system age. The older that your furnace gets, the more likely it is that problems can happen. You can expect a heater to last for about 15 years if it is well cared for. The closer it gets to that 15-year mark, the more likely it is that you will need to make repairs to keep it running or replace it entirely.

Overall Comfort

Next, you want to think about your heater’s output. Is it keeping your home comfortable? Are there any hot or cold spots around your home? If your heater could not keep up with heating your home last season consistently, then it might not be ready for the coming winter season. Sometimes there are repairs that our team can make to get you through just one more season so you can plan ahead for a replacement.

Schedule Maintenance

The only way to know for sure whether or not your heater is ready for winter is to schedule service with our team as professionals. We can check everything inside of your heater to make sure individual components are working great, as well as the entire system working together as a whole.

During a maintenance appointment, we can bring any concerns to your attention and offer repairs when we see that there is a problem. We may even be able to estimate how much life is left in your heater so you have an idea of when you will need to consider a replacement in the future.

Consider a Replacement

There are some times when replacing your heater makes more sense than investing in repairs. If your heater is already up in age and you receive a very expensive repair estimate, it may make more sense to put that money into a brand new heater instead of making repairs on an already older heater.

Newer models are much more efficient, so you actually stand to save a lot of money on your energy costs compared to a unit that was installed 15 years ago. Technology has grown leaps and bounds in that period of time and you may even have the potential to slash your energy bills in half.

Contact Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. today to schedule an appointment for heater service! We take your comfort as seriously as you do.

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