- Get your heater maintained. Heaters collect dust and dirt over time, especially during the summer when they don’t see much use. In addition, they may develop problems that aren’t readily noticeable, but which can turn around and bite you at the worst possible time. A maintenance session can address all of that: cleaning off the dust (which reduces friction and general stress), tightening loose bolts or fittings (which improves efficiency) and spotting any potential issues for larger repairs. All of that improves your heater’s efficiency, which cuts down on bills.
- Seal leaks in your home. If you have a crack under your front door, a window pane that leaks air or an uninsulated portion of the attic, they could be costing you warm air. Seal any leaks with weather stripping and see if you can add more insulation to your house.
- Look into zone controls. A zone control system for your heater lets you tailor the temperature in individual portions of your home. You can thus turn off the heat in areas you aren’t using, while leaving it on in those rooms you’re occupying at the moment.
All of that comes on top of common-sense ways you can save on heating this season, such as wearing warm sweaters in the home and setting your thermostat a few degrees below what you’re used to. Heating repair services in Tacoma don’t get any more reliable than Sound Heating. We can perform maintenance and repair on your existing heater, as well as installing a new heater if you feel that the time is right. Call us today to set up an appointment. You’ll be glad that you did!