Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Archive for February, 2021

Is an Electric Furnace More Efficient Than a Gas Furnace?

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

animated-house-with-money-symbols-coming-out-of-chimneyThe short answer to this is, “not necessarily,” but bear with us as we explain!

We get questions about furnace efficiency a lot when homeowners are shopping for a new heating system. They’re often overwhelmed by all the options and unsure of what to go with.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider with your heater purchase is the efficiency. After all, you want to be as comfortable as possible, as affordably as possible, right?

Read on as we uncover what’s the most efficient when it comes to furnaces, and dive into whether electric or gas is a better option for you.

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Signs Your Furnace Is About to Fail

Monday, February 8th, 2021

woman-huddled-in-blanket-on-couch-looking-coldCommitting to the decision that it’s time to replace your furnace is never fun, but it can certainly be necessary. Unfortunately, heating systems don’t last forever. They succumb to wear and tear, and eventually break down. In the case of gas-powered furnaces, they can even become dangerous as they age if they’re not properly maintained and inspected. This isn’t to say gas furnaces are inherently dangerous, just that it’s important to be aware that they can be.

Let’s say you’re wondering if it’s time to upgrade your furnace, but still, have some hesitation. What do you need to know in order to make the decision? Read on as we uncover some of the top signs your furnace may fail soon—which will make the replacement decision for you!

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