You Constantly Have to Call for Repairs
How many times have you had to call for professional furnace repairs in the last few years? You shouldn’t have to too often. A properly maintained furnace may need an additional repair once every couple of years or so. If you find yourself calling for repairs once every few months, then there’s a problem.
A good rule of thumb to go by here is that if your next repair or set of repairs is going to cost you half of what the furnace is worth, it’s going to make more sense to replace.
You Hear Concerning Noises Coming from Your Heater
There’s no heating system out there that is completely silent. Sure, there are definitely some on the quieter side, but all heaters make noise as they operate and even as they cycle off. What you should pay attention to are noises that pop up out of nowhere, and aren’t what you’re used to hearing.
This can include rattling, banging, grating, humming, screeching, or clanging. While many noises are a sign of a repair need—which our team can effectively handle—if you have an older system it definitely could mean it’s time for an upgrade.
You Feel Low Heat or Low Airflow Coming from the Vents
Like with strange noises, these can both be signs that you need a simple repair—perhaps your ductwork has a breach that isn’t allowing the powerful airflow you’re used to, or maybe you have a clogged air filter that needs to be swapped out.
But also akin to strange noises, low heat or low airflow in a 10-15 year old furnace is typically a sign that your furnace just can’t work like it used to anymore.
The only way to determine if you’re ready for a replacement or a repair will do is to contact the pros. We’ll help you make an educated decision!