Short-cycling is a name given to the process where a furnace shuts off and turns back off rapidly, never completing a full heating cycle. This same problem can impact air conditioning systems as well, and can lead to uneven temperatures throughout the home. This is because the HVAC system isn’t getting the opportunity to fully do its job.
Short-cycling almost always leads back to an electrical fault of some kind. It’s also a potential sign that your HVAC system is too large for your home. If this is the case, however, you will have noticed the problem right after installation, rather than years or even months down the line.
Thermostat Trouble
Sometimes, perceived furnace problems aren’t furnace problems at all, but instead issues with the thermostat. A miscalibrated thermostat could result in your furnace running at the wrong times, leading to poor heat distribution. This can also happen if your thermostat is installed in the coolest area of your home—it will cycle on even though that bedroom with the south-facing window doesn’t need heat at all.
An Aging System
Uneven heating from a furnace is something a warning sign that your system is nearing the end of its service life. As heating power declines, you may notice that rooms further down the ductwork system aren’t receiving the heat levels they’re supposed to.
This can be the result of a blower fan and motor not working as powerfully as it used to, in order to get the heated air distributed through the whole house. Or it can be a sign that you have damaged ductwork. These are problems that are more likely to happen with a furnace that’s about 10-15 years old, versus one that’s brand new.
Whatever the issue is with your furnace that’s causing uneven heating, you won’t be able to resolve it until you give our team a call. We can adequately diagnose the problem, then make recommendations to get your heater back on track.