You Might Have to Reset a Circuit Breaker
Are you not getting anything on the display screen on your digital thermostat? It’s possible that you need to reset the circuit breaker that goes to the thermostat to make sure that power is getting to the components. If there is a display on the screen, you may want to try resetting the circuit breaker that leads to the furnace. Even a gas furnace needs electricity to run.
Your Thermostat Might Not be Adequately Installed
Thermostat installations or replacements should never be a “DIY” job for homeowners. Our professionals often find that the thermostat isn’t properly wired, or that the wires were switched so even though the thermostat may turn on, it might not properly “talk” to your HVAC systems.
Another problem with DIY thermostat installations sometimes put the component in the wrong spot—such as near a kitchen or somewhere that the afternoon sun hits it. This is going to affect the signal being sent to your heater (and your air conditioner, for that matter) on when to cycle on and off.
What If None of This Is an Issue?
So, what if your heater isn’t working properly, but you’ve checked on all the above for your thermostat, and the thermostat doesn’t seem to be the problem? Well, then you could be looking at a heater problem. It may be an issue with dirty burners, a broken blower fan, and a malfunctioning reversing valve in a heat pump—any number of issues are possible. The best thing you can do for your system and for your home comfort is to give the pros a call for expert service.