Your Furnace Needs Frequent Repairs
How many times have you had a call an HVAC professional to have your furnace repaired? Once every few years? Okay, that’s understandable! But if you find yourself calling once every few months, then we need to talk.
If you have an aging furnace that has frequent repair needs, it’s time to consider what’s going to cost you more—continuing to make these repairs or upgrading to a new system. Typically if your next repair or set of repairs is going to cost half of what the system is worth the answer is the latter.
The Furnace Is Making Odd Noises
Have you noticed rattling, banging, humming, screeching, or clicking coming from your furnace? A good rule of thumb to go by when it comes to furnace noises is that if you hear anything that’s outside of the ordinary when it comes to your furnace, it’s a good idea to give our pros a call.
Strange sounds coming from the furnace is one of the most obvious signs that you have a repair need, and taking care of them right away will leave you in good shape this winter!
You Notice Low or Cool Airflow
A lot of things could be to blame for this. First off, it may be a clogged air filter that’s to blame. Check this first! If the air filter is too clogged up, it will block airflow and/or impeded the heating process, meaning the air you feel coming from the vents won’t be powerful or warm enough.