Other Upgrades to Consider
Do you have an old water heater that works but just isn’t as efficient as you would like it to be? Instead of upgrading to tankless immediately, consider some minor adjustments to the old equipment. Make sure the storage tank on your hot water heater is insulated properly. Ask a plumber if you aren’t sure how to tell. One rule of thumb is the amount of heat you can feel coming from the tank. If you can feel excess heat radiating from your water heater, it may need a water heater jacket.
Upgrading to double-paned windows and installing heavy storm doors is one option, but you can also add caulk to seal the cracks in places where there’s an air leak. Try the candle test if you haven’t received a home energy audit. Hold a lit candle near windows and doorways to see if it flickers. If it does, you need weathers tripping or some type of sealant around the cracks.
Lastly, installing ceiling fans can actually help in the winter. If you reverse the direction of the fan, it will push down all the warm air that rises to the ceiling. This also helps circulate the warm air from a forced air heating system.