Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Tips for Homeowner AC Maintenance

Monday, June 10th, 2024

We recommend that you schedule professional maintenance for your air conditioner at least once each year. But in between those appointments, you need to be taking steps of your own to care for your AC. In fact, the care steps that you take make the biggest difference in the efficiency and overall lifespan of your unit.

You can keep reading to learn our tips for maintaining your air conditioner on a monthly basis to boost energy efficiency and effective cooling as well as extend your unit’s lifespan. If you do notice anything out of the ordinary during any of your monthly maintenance steps, you can give our team a call for air conditioning service in Federal Way, WA.

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Signs It’s Time for a New Tankless Water Heater

Monday, December 26th, 2022

You invested in a tankless water heater and you’re so excited about the prospect of an endless supply of hot water. But over time, your system wears down and doesn’t work as well. You may not even notice it at first, but eventually, the signs are too many to ignore. 

If you suspect that you need tankless water heater replacement in Puyallup, WA, our team can help. But first, you need to know the signs. After all, they aren’t always obvious–especially if you get used to some of the inconveniences and write them off as being normal. 

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Signs That Your Boiler Is Struggling

Monday, March 21st, 2022

Portrait of a smiling plumber at workBoilers are an essential part of any home, being integral to how its spaces are heated. With a simple design and straightforward function, they’re also relatively dependable and have a long lifespan. However, despite their ability to last a long time, you shouldn’t assume that your boiler will always be without problems. 

Boilers can be susceptible to a range of issues, many of which can impede their functioning and capacity to heat your home. This is why it’s important to understand your boilers, the problems they can develop, and how you can best manage them.

In this article, we’ll review some of the most common signs that your boiler is struggling.

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What Could Be Causing Uneven Heating in Your Home?

Monday, January 10th, 2022

man-shiveringYour heating system is the ultimate tool for creating ideal temperature conditions in your home during winter, but what do you do when it stops working properly? Uneven heating can be a sign of system damage, but it’s not always caused by the same fault. Luckily, we’re familiar with the usual suspects. 

If you’ve noticed uneven heating throughout your house, here are 5 potential issues usually at the heart of the problem.

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“What Is an On Demand Water Heater and Do I Need One?”

Monday, April 26th, 2021

white question mark on a blue backgroundIf you’ve heard the term “on demand water heater” for the first time, you might be wondering what it is. After all, aren’t water heaters those huge systems you see in garages or maybe in storage closets in homes? Well yes, those are tank water heaters and they’re the more traditional water heater type. The other type, growing in popularity, is the on-demand, tankless water heater.

On demand water heaters provide homeowners with reliable hot water without the use of a bulky storage tank in the garage or hall closet. Tankless systems are a great choice for most homeowners, but is one right for you?

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3 Reasons You Need a Pro for Your Furnace Installation

Monday, January 11th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceLook, we get how tempting it is when you need a new heating system to install it yourself. After all, this will help you save money, right?

But unless we’re talking about a space heater that just plugs into an outlet in the wall, we really need to advise against self-installation.

The problem with trying to attempt installation on your own is that there are a number of intricate steps involved with this service, and if any of those steps are missed or are done too hastily it can lead to problems like gas line damage or torn ductwork, among other issues that could lead to premature system breakdown. Essentially, furnace systems are very complex pieces of equipment that require trained and experienced hands to manage.

Of course, if you’re in the process of shopping for a furnace right now, chances are there is quite a bit of urgency involved. But please don’t rush. Give our number a call to schedule a furnace installation, and read on to learn 3 reasons why you should trust the pros:

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How Healthy Is Your Indoor Air?

Monday, July 13th, 2020

woman-holding-sign-about-healthy-airThere’s no denying that summer is here, and with all of us spending more time in our homes these days, it’s likely you want to be as comfortable as possible, right? This begins with ensuring that your air conditioner is properly maintained, of course. If you haven’t scheduled an AC tune-up yet, now is the time.

Indoor comfort, though, also is achieved through high quality and breathable air. No matter what time of the year it is and no matter the circumstances, inadequate indoor air quality is a concern for homeowners. Virus transmission is a risk, while contaminants like pollen, dust, and smoke can also get trapped in your living space, causing asthma and allergy symptoms. Long-term exposure to pollutants can cause chronic symptoms as well, like fatigue and respiratory distress.

The good news is, we have solutions! Read on as we uncover a few easy ways to ensure the air you breathe is healthy.

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Ground Source Heat Pumps vs. Traditional Air Conditioning

Monday, April 25th, 2016

When most people think about heat pumps, they think about their heating capabilities in the wintertime. And yes it’s true, ground source heat pumps are a revolutionary and very reliable source of heating. However, in the summer, these systems have the capability of pulling heat from your home’s air and depositing it into the ground outside in order to provide you with adequate cooling, making ground source heat pumps an excellent alternative to a traditional central air conditioning system.

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Lupercalia: The Origin of St. Valentine’s Day

Saturday, February 14th, 2015

Many people may think of Valentine’s Day as a holiday essentially created by card and gift companies, but the truth is that the holiday has long-standing roots going back to the Roman Empire. The name “Lupercalia” has its origins in the word “lupus”, which means wolf, and the reason for this is that according to Roman pagan religion, the she-wolf Lupa nursed the two orphaned infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome.


The Festival

The Festival of Lupercalia spanned two days each February, from February 13th to 15th. The festival was about fertility and was led by Luperci priests, known as “brothers of the wolf”. The festival was serious with intention (fertility) but was executed as quite a romp for both the priests and citizens of Rome. The process was this: two male goats and a dog were sacrificed at the beginning of the festival by the priests; two young Luperci were then anointed with the blood from the animals, and the hides of the animals were cut into straps. As food and drink flowed, the male priests would run around the city wearing nothing but thongs made from the animal skins, and they also carried a strap from one of the sacrificed animals. The strap was used to strike the palms of Roman women waiting for the priests in the city, as it was believed that being hit with the strap could help with infertility issues and a safe, healthy labor for women who were pregnant.


The Transition to St. Valentine’s Day

The Christian influence of the holiday came around the 5th century. The Roman Empire was still strong, but Christianity was rapidly taking hold throughout the world. It is believed that to try and remove the paganism from the holiday, the deaths of two men, supposedly both named Valentine, were added into the mix. During the 3rd and 4th centuries, a law created by Claudius II forbade young men eligible for military service to marry, because Rome wanted a strong army. The two men named Valentine were priests, and married young couples in secret. Both were found out and executed on February 14th, although in separate years. The Church made Valentine a saint (they chose one), and Lupercalia became St. Valentine’s Day.


Here’s wishing you and your loved one a Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Consider a Solar Water Heater for Your Next Water Heater Installation

Friday, September 19th, 2014

Although we have access to an enormous amount of natural energy from the sunlight, few people seem to take advantage of the benefits of solar energy. And while choosing to switch your entire home to solar energy may be a big step, you can make some minor changes toward a more efficient home right now. Consider switching to a solar water heater for your new water heater installation. These units are extremely efficient and can be just as effective as your current heater. The two major types of solar water heaters, active and passive, are described below.


The main difference between an active and passive solar water heater is that an active system has controls and pumps while a passive system does not. An active solar water heater may rely on two different types of circulation, direct or indirect. Direct circulation systems pump water through the solar collector, and solar radiation heats the water. Water flows back into the storage tank with a backup heater attached and into a pipe to reach your home. Indirect circulation systems pump refrigerant into the solar collector, which absorbs heat. As the refrigerant flows through a heat exchanger in the tank, the water is heated.


A passive circulation system does not rely on any pumps. Instead, water flows into the solar collector where it gets preheated. The water then moves into the storage tank, where an additional gas or electric heating element helps it reach the proper temperature. While this type of system may still need to use some energy, it will use significantly less as water is already hot before reaching the tank.

What Are The Benefits Of Going Solar?

Choosing a solar water heater is one of the most efficient ways to heat water in your home, and it may reduce your hot water bills by up to one half. Solar water heaters are also very effective and may have long lifespans with proper maintenance.

You should let a professional technician help you choose which type of water heater is right for your home. If you need a new water heater in Tacoma, call the water heater experts at Sound Heating today!

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