Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Puyallup’

Why a Cracked Heat Exchanger Is Bad News

Monday, November 4th, 2019

jets-of-furnace-firingFirst off, it’s important to note that when we’re talking about heat exchangers in this particular post, we’re talking about those within gas-powered furnaces and heating systems. These gas-powered appliances are not inherently dangerous, but they can become so if not properly cared for.

Like most powerful appliances, or any appliance that generates combustion gases, a furnace could potentially create health and safety hazards if it’s not maintained on an annual basis, or if it isn’t repairs as soon as symptoms of a problem appear. Treat your gas-powered system well and you’ll have few things to worry about. Ignore a cracked heat exchanger, and that won’t be the case.

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Do Boilers Need Maintenance?

Monday, October 21st, 2019

top-of-boiler-with-pressure-gaugeFor most homeowners, the furnace has long time been the heating system of choice for their homes. Boilers are an alternative to this, mostly found in homes that don’t have a network of ventilation ductwork. If you have a boiler, it operates by circulating hot water through pipes to terminal points in your home, like radiators and baseboard heaters, where the heat then radiates into the rooms.

Most homeowners who utilize these heating systems enjoy the comfort and energy savings (not to mention subsequent monetary savings) they bring. They also appreciate how rarely their boiler needs repair. Boilers have fewer moving parts than furnaces after all, so they wear down slower and will require less fixes over their lifespan.

However, this doesn’t mean that they never need maintenance! Your boiler should never miss a routine fall maintenance appointment. For any type of heating system, we recommend annual maintenance.

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How to Tell If Your AC Is about to Call It Quits

Monday, July 29th, 2019

very-old-air-conditioning-unitWouldn’t it be great if our appliances and home comfort systems lasted forever? Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case, no matter how well it is built or cared for. Your household air conditioner is no exception—it has a limited lifespan, and when it nears the end of that lifespan, it’s a good idea to have the system replaced before it suffers from an absolutely breakdown.

Given the time of year it is, you don’t want to wait until it actually breaks down to look into replacement options or consider if your system is about to call it quits. We want to help you determine when your air conditioner is on its final leg!

This way, you can arrange for replacement at a time that is convenient for you, rather than experiencing an emergency situation and needing to rush into your AC installation decision. So, how exactly can you tell if your air conditioner is about to call it quits?

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Beware These Noises Coming from Your AC

Monday, June 17th, 2019

woman-covering-her-earsAs you might imagine, summertime is the most likely season for your air conditioner to call it quits—or at the very least, start to experience operational problems. After all, it’s getting much heavier use than it does in the spring or fall. All mechanical systems accumulate wear and tear over the years.

There’s good news, though! You can usually avoid surprise repairs or sudden air conditioner breakdowns with routine professional maintenance. This gives our pros the chance to uncover any signs of repair needs or malfunction. It also allows us to comprehensively clean out the system to make sure it is properly functioning.

Even with diligent tune-ups, however, it’s always wise to be aware of the sounds you should (and should not) hear coming from your cooling system. The following sounds indicate something is wrong and you should give our techs a call right away.

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Avoid Breakdowns Next Year by Taking Care of Furnace Repairs This Year!

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

technician-looking-over-furnaceSpring may officially be here, but colder temps are hanging around. Sure, soon we’ll be able to turn our attention to our air conditioners—if you haven’t already now is a great time to schedule maintenance—but that doesn’t mean our furnaces aren’t done doing their part.

Your furnace has already put in months of hard work. During this final stretch of cooler weather is when it’s most likely to suffer from a malfunction, or possibly a full breakdown, if it’s not properly cared for. If you had maintenance done before winter began, then you’re probably in good shape. But what if you had a need for heating repair in Puyallup, WA that you didn’t take care of? Should you schedule repairs now, even though you won’t need your furnace again ‘til next fall?

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Common Late-Season Furnace Issues

Monday, March 26th, 2018

hvac vent on wall near floorWe may not suffer from blizzard-like conditions and below-zero temperatures on a regular basis like other parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have any cold weather to deal with during the winter. In fact, our winters are typically more drawn out than our summers, which means our heaters get put through a good deal of work. For this reason, it’s imperative that you make sure your furnace is in good condition by staying on top of Puyallup, WA furnace repair needs.

We install and service gas and electric furnace systems, and we can handle any repairs that crop up with your system. A malfunctioning furnace is not only an inconvenience and an annoyance, but can also be a safety issue. And that’s why even though it’s near the end of our heating season, you should still be aware of common furnace issues that could crop up.

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Yes, Neglecting Furnace Repairs Is Dangerous

Monday, February 12th, 2018

Technician looking over a gas furnace with a flashlight before cleaning it.Generally speaking, gas furnaces are not inherently dangerous. This is an important fact to clear up right away—we don’t want you to feel panic just because you use a furnace for your home heating. Like any other powerful appliance that creates combustion gases, however, a furnace can potentially create health hazards if not maintained regularly and if Puyallup, WA furnace repairs are taken care of right away. If you stay on top of these repairs, you’ll have few worries.

So when can neglecting repairs actually be dangerous? When you ignore the need to fix cracked heat exchangers. This is most likely to happen with an older furnace—we’re talking about 15+ years. This is why we recommend looking into a replacement as soon as you know a furnace is approaching the end of its lifespan. It’s also why we strongly recommend staying on top of your annual maintenance appointments. Tune-ups will help you catch any furnace problems early so you can arrange for repairs or a replacement right away without risking your safety by neglecting repair needs.

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Heed These Signs You Need Boiler Services

Monday, September 11th, 2017

Pipes of a heating systemIt’s not time to start using your boiler system on a daily basis quite yet, but that time will be here soon enough. When it is, you want to be sure to keep your eyes and ears open for any signs of distress. Premature system breakdowns can be avoided with professional installation, repair, and maintenance services from highly trained technicians.

By having professional services done and by keeping up on maintenance, you can usually avoid the costliest of Puyallup, WA boiler repairs. But, there’s always a chance that something will eventually go wrong with your heating system. Eventually, your boiler will wear down to the point that it needs to be replaced. But do you know what to look for when it comes to deciding if your boiler is in distress?

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Should You Have a Heat Pump Installed This Summer?

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

heat-pump-installed-summerThere are a number of benefits to investing in a heat pump installation in Puyallup, WA—one of the most important being that it can be used to both cool and heat your home. No, it’s not a furnace and a central air conditioner packaged together—rather, a heat pump is a two-in-one system that uses the same component for both air conditioning and heating, for efficient, year-round comfort.

Read on to discover how this works and how you can benefit from this type of installation this summer if you are looking to replace or upgrade your cooling system.

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Have You Tried Either of These Energy Saving Tips?

Monday, April 24th, 2017

energy-savings-tipsWhen it comes to running your heating or cooling system, naturally you want to do so in a way that doesn’t waste energy—and subsequently, money. The good news is, you don’t have to sacrifice comfort to save energy. Instead of switching off your HVAC system to reduce energy usage there are many other options to do the same job.

For example, did you know that running your ceiling fan can reduce the energy expended from your air conditioner enough to turn the temperature up as much as 10 degrees? Your cooling system therefore doesn’t have to work as hard to do its job. And in the winter, you can switch it to reverse direction to have the same impact on your heating system. There are many little tips and tricks like this, but today we want to talk about two very specific ways you can reduce your energy usage and cut costs.

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