Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Indoor Air Quality Solutions’

Is Your Air Conditioner Hurting the Health of Your Air?

Monday, July 15th, 2019

child-pinching-their-noseLet’s start by saying, it’s not necessarily that your air conditioner itself is hurting the health of your air, but by its nature, it doesn’t help.

The thing is, today’s homes are built with very tight construction. The reason for this is for energy efficiency—when there are no drafty areas or spots for air to escape your home, it means all the cooling you’re paying for stays indoors. You’re not simply paying for air conditioning that doesn’t actually keep you comfortable.

Where this becomes a problem, is that it can cause the air in your home to become stale and dry. True, dry air isn’t something we deal with a whole lot in our area, but trust us when we say it can become uncomfortable real fast. So, what’s the solution? Well, we encourage you to look into the installation of a whole-home energy recovery ventilator (ERV)—read on to learn more!

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